Saturday, November 26, 2011

Join Crush Kids' Cancer's Bone Marrow Registry Challenge!

From Pecan Pie:
Hello Archies! At the beginning of October, I issued the following challenge to the entire Crush Kids’ Cancer (CKC) SU2C team:

"THE BONE MARROW REGISTRY CHALLENGE: This year, our challenge is to become the team with the most registered bone marrow donors." 
We are expanding that challenge to say that we, the Archie fanbase, will be the group most committed to promoting bone marrow matches for those in need. The Archie fan spearheading this effort will be Ashley, captain of the new Kids’ Chapter of CKC. 

In order to participate, all you need to do, is add your name to the list stating that you have helped or intend to help in any way, no matter how big or small.

Ways you can help may include:
1) Educating yourself about the bone marrow registry process (if you read my next entry that qualifies)
2) Learning about a person in need of a transplant (if you have ever read anything about Jonah, that counts)
3) Promoting awareness of a person in need (e.g., the AFAC project for Jonah)
4) Promoting awareness to others about the bone marrow registry
5) Becoming a member of the bone marrow registry
6) Encouraging others to register
7) Donating time or money to any of the organizations involved in registering donors (e.g., Be the match, DKMS, Gift of Life )

If you plan to help in any one of these ways, please add your name and see how long a list we can get for Ashley to give to David at the NYC VIP.

Stay tuned for 2 more posts on the bone marrow registry basics and the awesomeness of becoming a bone marrow donor.

Pecan Pie out

Yes, I'm the Ashley that Pecan Pie is referring to haha. Be sure to add your name to the list if you've participated in bone marrow registry or are planning to. And if you haven't, no worries, there will be lots of projects ahead with Crush Kids' Cancer, mainly focusing around the younger Archies to get kids more involved in helping not only with bone marrow registry, but cancer research as well. Thanks everyone!


  1. This is awesome Ashely! I know you will inspire many young people to get involved.

  2. that's awesome Ashley... Keep up the great work!! You are an inspiration to all!

  3. This is really cool :) I'm only 16 so I can't sign up for 2 more years... but my Mom just had one a few months ago from someone in Europe and is recovering well! This is a great cause ♥

  4. Thanks for working to bring this cause to more people's attention. Teens can make a difference even if they aren't old enough to donate yet. Learn everything you can about the subject and then tell you parents and grandparents and teachers about the need.

    My daughter lost one of her very best friends to leukemia when they were 13. She needed a bone marrow transplant, but her family members weren't a match and the registry wasn't very well known then. She ran out of time. The leukemia won. Maybe if we all work together to build awareness, the terrible cancer might not win so often.

  5. i want to help kids who need a marrow bone Because god till me to help them but I donor but do have the money for it. From my is Krista am email me at what should i do ?
