Welcome to Something 'Bout Archie, one of the newest David fan sites around! Here you can find all the latest David info for your daily David fix! If you have any commentary, stories, pictures or anything, shoot us an email!
Meet Our Bloggers:

I'm 17, and live in Boston, MA. I love writing, which is why blogging is perfect for me ;)
I've been a fan of David since Idol. My mom was actually a fan before I became one, I liked Danny Noriega xD But once he went home, I started liking David more and more, and finally towards the finale, I became a huge fan :) I've met him twice and have seen him in concert 6 times. Like everyone else, the second I became a fan he inspired me and helped me in so many ways, and continues to.
My favorite song he sang on Idol is "Sweet Caroline". That seriously describes how I became a fan. Where it began, I can't begin to know when, But then I know it's growing strong, Was in the spring, And spring became the summer, Who'd believe you'd come along? That's exactly what happened <3 My favorite from the debut is "You Can", my favorite from CFTH is "Melodies of Christmas" and my favorite from TOSOD is "Parachutes and Airplanes".
So there you go! I hope everyone enjoys the site!!
Hello everyone! I'm Lynsey :) As you can see above. As you all know, Ashley started the site, and asked if I'd like to help out! So of course I was more than happy to! She put me in charge of designing the banners ;)
I'm 18, and currently live in Florida, originally from Massachusetts. The state where our very own David was born in, if I might say ;) I love just about anything that has to do with music, and so much more. I've seen David 2 times. The picture you see on the side is one I took while at a live appearance. I've been a fan of David since I first saw him sing Heaven, and I was hooked. Like many other David fans, he has and still is, my inspiration, and has helped me so incredibly much and still continues to do so.
I'd love to say what my favorite songs from each of David's albums are, but in the end, I'd probably just end up naming them all, so ;)
So I hope that helps you get to know me a bit!! Thanks for visiting our site, and continuing to love David!

I'd love to say what my favorite songs from each of David's albums are, but in the end, I'd probably just end up naming them all, so ;)
So I hope that helps you get to know me a bit!! Thanks for visiting our site, and continuing to love David!

I'm 21 and I'm in college. I live in Salem, Massachusetts (well when I'm at school haha). I'm studying early childhood education and I will be double majoring in art education. (My state has this silly law where ed majors have to do two -_-) But that's enough about me.
Now, onto David. Or why I love him and how it started :D To be honest I was hooked right when he came on my tv and opened his mouth. I even remember saying to my mom "oh he's gonna win this season". But I never imagined that I'd be this big of a fan of his today. I'm sure most fans understand why I like him. His voice, his personality, his spirit. He's just an amazing human being in general. And he's helped me with a A LOT of things, but I'm sure he's done that for everyone.
I'd have to say my favorite song of his is My Kind of Perfect. I'm rather obsessed with it, but that's okay. Barriers is my favorite from the first cd, and then Melodies of Christmas is my favorite from Christmas From The Heart.
I guess that's it for my introduction for now :) I can't wait to be a part of this site!!
Hi guys!! I'm the newest member of the blog, and I'm so excited to get started. :) My name is Natalie, I'm seventeen and from Atlanta, Georgia, and I've been a fan of David's since I was fourteen. I actually did a school project on him my freshman year, haha. :) But I've seen him 5 times live and have met him in meet and greets 4 of those times. I've gone from here in Atlanta to Greenville, SC twice and then two other times in Ohio (Cleveland and Columbus). And I've loved every bit of it! I've met some amazing people and have made some amazing memories that will last me a lifetime, and I love supporting David! I'm so glad I get to be a part of this blog now, and I can't wait to get to know you guys that I don't know a little better! Thanks for reading everyone. :)
Hey everyone! I’m Katrina, and I’m a new blogger for the site! I’m really looking forward to writing for you all.
I’m an Archie from Chicago. I’m also Filipino, so hello to all the Filipino Archies! I’m 20 years old, and my birthday is on October 30th. I’m a student at Northern Illinois University, and I’m studying to become an elementary teacher. I’m really close to my family, and I have two wonderful parents, a younger brother, and an older sister. I love getting to spend time with my relatives and cousins.
I became a fan of David when he performed Shop Around. I enjoyed his AI audition, but the Shop Around performance was what started it all for me. I’ve met him several times and I’ve been to 9 events, including concerts, a book signing, and a CD signing. I really admire who David is and I look up to him. Being a fan has been a blessing. Thanks to him, I’ve picked up music again and I’ve met wonderful people who have become my friends.
I enjoy playing the piano and singing. I also enjoy reading, writing, and exercising. I like listening to different types of music. My favorite musical is Les Miserables, and I also love the Harry Potter movies. I like to be a kid at heart and I love taking on new adventures. I also love trying new food!
I’m also a blogger for All Things Archie, so I’ll be blogging for both that site and this one! I’ll also be helping out with live blogs! I’ll do my best with those when the time comes. I’m also on Twitter (@katrinalexa) and Tumblr (katrinaalexa)! I enjoy chatting with fans, so don’t be shy!
Hey everyone! (I'm the girl on the left of David)I'm the newest blogger, Christina :) I'm eighteen years old and am going to be a sophmore in college. My twitter username is @archangelx1111 so I probably know some of you from twitter and my archie-filled tumblr blog is archangelx1111.tumblr.com. If any of you guys participated in the Archie Lyricfest (writing quotes) me and my friend started that!! Like all of you, I'm a HUGE David fan! I've seen him in concert 6 times and I've met him 4 times. My favorite David memory was definitly going to his private concert at the PC Richardson concert by Z100 and having my first conversation with him, even if I was pretty much at a loss for words haha. I love David for all the same reasons as you guys: He is amazingly talented and a truly genuine person who inspires me all the time! My favorite song from his debut album is definitly Barriers, christmas album is Melodies of Christmas, and TOSOD is My Kind of Perfect. My favorite song to hear sung live is "My Hands"! I'm looking foward to sharing exciting David news with some dedicated fans!! :)
Hi Everyone! My name is Rachael and I'm the newest blogger here on Something 'Bout Archie! I'm 16 years old and live in Connecticut! I am currently going to a Technical High School and I am in Heath Technology (If you don't know what that is, it's a program for people looking into going into the heath care field as a career) Some of you guys may know me from twitter as @RachaElll_11 and tumblr is ivecomethisfar/tumblr.com .
So it all started in 8th grade when my friend told me about this David concert going on. (Don't get me wrong, I've loved David SINCE American Idol, I was just never a HUGE GIANT fan...lol) ... I waited a few weeks before I said anything to my parents about tickets (because I'm just that smart *sarcasm*) but something came over me... I NEEDED to go and at the time I had no clue why it meant so much to me... I had something going on though. It was this Christmas drama club performance I was devoted to do for my school play. But luckily I made it just in time for David's concert. Sadly I missed the opening performer. And let me tell you, It was one of the most magical experiences I have ever come across, even with no VIPs... And at the time I had no clue to where it would lead me as a fan. David has changed my life in so many good ways it's hard to put into words... With his music and everything. He is my inspiration and always as been since. So what can I say? That is my story. :)
Twitter: @Tiff_ArchAngel
Instagram: itsTiffyTifff

I'm currently 17 years old and I live in the Chicago area. No I do not live in the city, I'm actually from the suburbs about 45 minutes from downtown, I WISH I lived in the city. Since I'm a high school senior I will be heading off to college this fall. I'm not sure on where yet, but I've been accepted to all of the schools I applied, and I really want to go to Belmont in Nashville! I want to major in Music Business and Communications. I think it would be really cool to either be a tour manager or manager of an artist, or own my own record label. I always thought I would go into music, especially musical theater since it was my biggest passion growing up, it still is, but I realized performance is not what I want to go to school for. Speaking of theater and music I am involved in the top Chamber Orchestra, top Choirs including the top mixed choir and chamber choir, which is madrigals during the holiday season, I am a member of Tri-M which is the Music Honors Society, Drama Club, and Christian Youth Theater. I think it's safe to say that music and theater is and always will be a big part of my life.
Anyway, speaking of my love for music, David is my favorite artist, obviously. I have been fortunate to see him 6 times; 3 times here in the Chicago area, and 3 times I was able to travel to see him. Each of those times I saw him were some of the best days and experiences of my life. I have seen him on the Demi tour in Chicago, the Rockford, IL show, the Waukeagan, IL Christmas from the Heart show, Six Flags New England Ticket to Ride, Motab Christmas Special, and on his My kind of Christmas tour in Ventura, CA. Of those 6 times of seeing him I met him twice at ticket to Ride and in Ventura. I've been fortunate to be told by him that I whistled better than him, he stopped and pushed away his security just to sign my book, and I've sang with him. I think singing "Lean on Me" at the Ventura VIP was my favorite memory.
I became a fan back in the idol days, but I didn't become a huge fan till his performance of "Imagine". I always liked him, but it wasn't till that performance that I really became a big fan. My best friend at the time came up to me in class the day after David sang "Imagine" and he said "Hey you know that David Archuleta guy you like, did you see his amazing performance last night?! I hope one day I can sing as good as him". And then he showed me the video of it on his iPOD. Lol and in that moment we made a competition of it to see who could vote for David more, lol. I would always win :P
Besides being a fan of David I'm a huge fan of Demi Lovato and Bruno Mars. I've met both of them before too! I love their music so much, among other artists like Kelly Clarkson, John Mayer, Adele, Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers, We the Kings, and Lady Gaga.
I also LOVE making videos. Maybe you have seen some of my videos, including the Thank You video for David that so many of you were a part of, my stop motion videos, or my covers! And I'm also thankful for all of the friends I have made through David including best friends! But, anyway I think I've said enough lol. I would love to get to know each and everyone! I'm a talkative person who loves getting to know new people.
Contact me-
Twitter: @AllieSings94
Youtube: xXAllieSings94Xx
Tumblr: NotaStrangertotheRain