Thursday, December 16, 2010

MoTab is a "hot ticket"!

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - The hottest free ticket in town has to be The Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Christmas Concert with David Archuletta. The LDS Church gives away the tickets for free in a lottery, but with demand outstripping supply some folks are offering them online for a price.

Still, there are many more people seeking tickets than selling them.

One seeker titled his online request, "I'm in need of a little miracle." Another took a more frank approach. "My grandma isn't dying, I don't have any non-member friends in town, and it is not my dying son's last wish. . . but . . . "

At this point it is unclear if either approach worked. But it appears the going price is $50, $100 or more. One person looking for tickets wrote me that he had gotten "several solicitations anywhere from $50 - $100 per ticket."

Even tickets for the live broadcast to overflow locations on Temple Square were being offered for sale on the web.

There are three choir performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Archuleta will also be the choir's guest on it's Sunday morning broadcast of "Music and the Spoken Word."

Anyone with a ticket is advised to be in their seat no later than 1/2 hour prior to the performance. If you show up late, you may find that your seat has been given away to some lucky soul who stood out in the cold in the "standby" line.

If you don't have a ticket and don't want to take your chances in the standby line, David Archuleta will be signing autographs of his new album after the Friday performance.

Where: Downtown Deseret Book, 45 West South Temple

When: Friday, December 17th from approximately 9:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.

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