Saturday, September 24, 2011

Gets your mood up, but calms you down too

What music does that for you? TOSOD definitely does for me :)

EDIT: Buzz from Mindful Of Music:

Upon seeing this tweet from David Archuleta earlier, it got me thinking - what music gets my mood up, but calms me down too? Well one I know for sure is David's music. His album The Other Side of Down, for me, is the definition of what he described. Every song on that album is uplifting yet calming, and is perfect for any occasion. From the positive "The Other Side of Down" to the enjoyable "Parachutes And Airplanes" to the inspirational "Things Are Gonna Get Better", every song on that album puts you in a different mindset and gets you pondering about your life as the music takes you on a journey into David's view of life. David's wisdom and positive outlook that shines through in these songs definitely always puts me in a good mood and calms me down, and I'm sure a lot of Archie fans would agree.

Read my review of The Other Side of Down HERE.

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