Sunday, September 18, 2011

Constitution Fair article

From Mindful of Music:
David Archuleta sings his heart out on patriotic songs at Constitution Fair

Last night, David Archuleta headlined the Constitution Fair in Gilbert, Arizona. Though David sang a full set, he first came out and sang the National Anthem, which seemed to be one of the highlights of the night. Normally singing only the first verse of the song, David changed it up and sang the last, more uncommon verse of the song, and seemed to blow the entire audience away.
Watch below, and be sure to listen for an excited "He was fantastic!" at the very end:

Credit to 1djafan

There's just something about the way David sings patriotic songs; he puts something into those performances that no one else does, and makes you really feel the meaning of the song. Don't know what I mean? Listen below as David sings his own patriotic medley of "My Country 'Tis of Thee" and America The Beautiful from last night:

Credit to googoofan1

And if that's not enough, this performance of God Bless America is just breathtaking. Really, he's performed this song countless of times, but nothing compares to this version in my opinion. You can tell he's putting his all into this song, with his strong, beautiful voice and the amazing affect it has, this performance is absoluetly stunning.

Credit to YouCanCallMeTina

1 comment:

  1. Amazing David Archuleta! Noone can sing like that.....
