Thursday, July 14, 2011

Livestream of David arriving at the airport!

EDIT: David has arrived in Indonesia! You can watch David arrive at the airport HERE! Thanks so much to Samantha for Ustreaming it for everyone!!

And David says hello to POND'S Teens!

And David was given this at the airport!

And a pic from Samantha!

Live video by Ustream

scpancake is streaming David's arrival in Indonesia! Keep checking back!

EDIT: #selamatdatangarchie was trending in Jakarta and Indonesia!

Thanks to AFS and VinnyArchie for the caps!


  1. just saw our little boy Ben walk thru......thank you to the lovely girls that webcast the arrival.
    much love
    jon & lin shepherd

  2. amazing! hope everything goes well for david in asia! :D

  3. Shepherd Family, it's fun seeing the excitement of the band members. And their families!
