A little behind on posting with the holidays having just past, so, here comes another giant post!
To start off, David's recent tweets + Instagram posts!
David's Christmas photo made it into NBC's 'Celebrities Share Holiday Photos' list! Go HERE to check it out! Awesomeage!
Next on tonight's list, David's Birthday! Here are some lovely Birthday wishes:
Marie Osmond also wished David a Happy Birthday on her Facebook!
Click the image to head over to her Facebook.
His Birthday was also featured in a Philippine newspaper!
Thanks to Pinoy Archies for the heads up.
He was also mentioned in QCOnline's celebrity Birthdays! Go HERE to check it out.
Moving on! As you may know, American Idol has started back up! Which always brings up articles regarding David.
Firstly, 'Where Are They Now' from bio:
Click the image to go to the article.
Next, Ryan Seacrest posted '25 Most Memorable Performances in ‘American Idol’ History':
Once again, click the image to head over!
Onto another subject, David is featured in 2014's Top 'American Idol' Stories at #13!
Click the image to read the article in it's entirety.
Before we finish the 'American Idol subject', some tweets!
On another note, RootsTech said that they would be live streaming some of the show next month!
Also, Meet The Mormons posted a throwback Thursday photo of David at the premiere! They also mentioned in the comments of the photo that the DVD will be available on March 31st!
Click the image to read the comment! Scroll down a bit and you should see it.
Before we finish tonight's post with some randomness, how about some pictures first!?
Lost track of who to credit for the photos, so credit goes to all the owners!
Also, I recently found some new old American Idol photos from the Top 2 photoshoot with the David's!
Go HERE to view the rest!
Now, to finalize this post, some randomness!
Firstly, 'American Choral Directors Association' posted an article regarding David's appareance:
Starting to sound more official! We'll update as more info comes.
Next, a nice article about 'Angles from the Realms of Glory' in the Guinness World records! Go HERE to check it out!
Also, Musikfest mentioned David!
Wow! Awesomage!
On another note, David's seat in the Red Arrow Diner is still there + a lovely write up from Shelly Peiken!
Click on the cap of Shelly's post to head over!
Next, Brooke White has a guitar with David's signature!
Click the image to head over to her Facebook and read what she has to say!
Also, what the random?
Hmm... Not sure what this is or if it's real, but we'll keep you updated if there's more information!
On another subject, check out this shirt!
LOL! Too funny. Go HERE to check it out!
And, lastly, on David's 19th Birthday he was mentioned on Jeopardy!
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