Monday, July 25, 2011

David Archuleta Doesn't Do Drugs

Cutie pie David Archuleta arrived in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon and at a press conference several hours ago, he was presented with a plaque marking his six times platinum status by Sony Music Malaysia and a wau as a souvenir.
David receiving his plaque from Sony Music Malaysia
David receiving his plaque from Sony Music Malaysia
David expressed sadness at the news of Amy Winehouse's sudden passing: "I know she'd gone through a lot and she lived a very difficult life but she has made some great music which has made a huge impact on the music industry. It's sad to see her go."When asked if he ever took drugs, David, although a little surprised by the question given his squeaky clean image, answered it like a pro.
David posing for photographers -- check out the sumptuous spread on the table!
David posing for photographers -- check out the sumptuous spread on the table!
"I can say that that's something I'm not involved in," he said. "I try to encourage kids of all ages if there's something that they've become quite addicted to... I do believe that if you're motivated enough to get out of it, you can get out of it. I just hope that if anyone is struggling with that, I know that they can improve their lives by getting out of it."For the concert tomorrow night, David may perform Touch My Hand because he revealed that it was one of his favourite songs. "It's a song that's meant to be performed live," he told the roomful of press and invited fans. "It's meant to describe what it is like to be on stage and to see the crowd and what it feels like to share that moment with someone there at the show."
Wowed by the wau
Wowed by the wau
There's no doubt after today that David loves his Malaysian fans because he distinctly remembers his last trip: "I do remember coming here last time when I did the showcase. I always remember that experience and I remember all the Malaysian fans that were there and were at the airport too. I'm really excited to come and do a full concert in Malaysia because the fans have been very supportive. I'm just preparing many of the popular songs from the albums that are released and a few covers that I like to sing. I just hope that the Malaysian fans enjoy it."We're sure they will David!

Source: Galaxie Blog

getting his 6 x platinum certification
Here's a video of David Archuleta getting his 6th time platinum certification. We Archies/Arch Angels are so proud of you David. Wooot :)

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