Friday, June 24, 2011

Challenge 2 from POND'S Teens to win a meet&greet!

From POND'S Teens:
Hi guys, would still be the spirit of dong with Meet and Greet with David Archuleta? For you who've participated yesterday challenged a timely manner, you can go to the second challenge ya. Well for you who missed the first challenge, really sorry it means you can follow-ga Challenge 2. But you certainly can still see the appearance of David Archuleta in POND'S Teens Concert 2011 in Jakarta on 16 July! Make sure you've got the entry sign: D
For that read the rules before ya ..
  1. This Challenge will run for 5 days. Starting from the date of June 24, 2011 at 17:00 until 28 June 2011 at 17:00.
  2. Link videos submitted through time will not be included
  3. Participants must have run a challenge just in time before following the second challenge
  4. PTC will assess all of the incoming video and choose the best 20 videos
  5. 20 best videos will be displayed on the website later in the PTC to vote
  6. Total winners Meet and Greet with David Archuleta is 10 people. 5 winners are determined by the highest vote and 5 other winners are determined by a jury of POND'S.
  7. Jury's decision is absolute and inviolable
  8. Please do not rename a Facebook and Twitter username during the competition
Now who's ready for the final challenge? Please read carefully the mechanism:)
  1. Create a video with a duration of maximum 60 seconds to express your preferences with David Archuleta.
  2. In the video should have you and songs David Archuleta. Do not forget to use POND'S Facial Foam packaging and merchandising David Archuleta as the property in the video yes.
  3. Upload your video to Youtube.
  4. Send email to containing Name, Address, No.Phone, email, name of Facebook, Twitter username and YouTube links.
  5. Email just sent 1 time, no spamming.
  6. Emails sent through June 28, 2011 at 17:00 pm will not be included.
  7. After that, do not forget to tweet ya following sentence:
I just completed Meet and Greet with David Archuleta PTCarchie # # # challenge2 PTC2011 @ PONDSTeens
8. PTC will contact the 10 winners meet and greet at the end of the period.
Let's maximize the time available and make the coolest video. Opportunity meet and greet with David Archuleta not come two times you know. Good luck guys! 
Good luck guys!

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