After his "You look like someone I used to babysit" tweet, I started thinking about all of his tweets where someone has mistaken him for someone else or even David Archuleta. I went on FOD today and found that they too thought the same thing as I did, so I thought I'd post their list of mistaken identity tweets:
“You look a lot like Steven.” Huh? “Steven. Archuleta. Has anyone ever told you you look like Steven Archuleta?” hm.. Nope lol.
7:35 AM Dec 7th, 2010 via tx
At dinner there was a homecoming group & a girl turned & said “You look exactly like David Archuleta! You must get that a lot huh” She later turned again & said “you’re cool too though, you don’t have to be David Archuleta to be cool.” Lol well thanks.
10:03 AM Oct 10th, 2010 via txt
So I guess I look enough like me today but not enough to actually be me. People think I kind of look like David Archuleta lol.
5:27 AM Jul 11th, 2010 via txt
“You look like one of my friends, can I take a picture with you?” uh… ok lol.
6:15 AM Jun 25th, 2010 via txt
@thedavidcook Someone ask me if I was David Cook not too long ago. I said no and they said, “Oh, well.. you look like him,” and walked away.
11:24 AM Jan 19th, 2010 via web in reply to thedavidcook
“are you who I think you are?” I say maybe… “Ricky Archuleta. You’re Ricky Archuleta right?” I say no sorry. She walks off lol.
9:26 AM Sep 22nd, 2009 via txt
Thank you for calling 3 times a day 24 hour fitness, but my name’s not Christopher.
10:58 AM May 22nd, 2009 via web
lool! I just needed a good laugh. Thank you so much! David's tweets are so funny. I hope he never ever quits tweeting and vlogging.