Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's Been 2 Years Since Northampton.

My concert for David's solo tour was two years ago today <3 It's crazy how far he's come since then and how fast the time flies by. My show was at Northampton, Ma. I remember I went with my mom and skipped school for it HAHA. And we got there hours before, can't really remember how early. But we stood out in the snow, freezing, and our feet got numb. That day it snowed a lot, and we were worried the concert might get canceled. But it didn't <3 The show was standing only and I ended up getting 2nd/3rd row!

It's just crazy that his first solo tour EVER was two years ago. It doesn't feel that long. But it also feels like ages ago at the same time. If that makes any sense at all.

He also used to take pictures with the entire audience! Which I think is so cool! He should have continued doing that haha!

Here. Have a video of him singing Barriers from that night!

Credit to djbell13 it's their video. They have loads of awesome ones from this night if you wanna check them out!

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