Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Utah's state celebrity...

So, in order to save our dear legislators time and energy, we at The Daily Universe have come up with a few more state symbols that go beyond already-established classics such as the state cooking pot (Dutch oven) and the state folk dance (square dance).

State condiment: Fry sauce. The rest of the world has never even heard of it, so I’m pretty sure we can safely claim it as our own.

State weather: Haze. This is an obvious choice to anyone who breathes.

State beverage: Sprite. Upon further research, I was shocked to realize 29 other states beat us to the punch on declaring a state beverage. This must be rectified.

State occupation: Construction worker. We all know it is the one job guaranteed to always exist in Utah.

State dessert: Cupcake. But only if it has the swirly frosting on it.

State restaurant: Kentucky Fried Chicken. The first KFC franchise opened in Salt Lake City in 1952. Also, it is delicious.

State mode of transportation: Handcart. I don’t think we have sufficiently recognized our pioneer heritage with state symbols yet.

State celebrity: David Archuleta. Jimmer is awesome, but Randy Jackson hasn’t told him, “Dude, it was the bomb,” yet.

State we want to be in right now: Hawaii.
The Daily Universe

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