Monday, January 3, 2011

Who is the better role model?

Ok so someone *wink wink* posted an article on Teen Ink about who is a better role model, David or Justin Bieber? It's been on there for like a month but for some reason it was all over twitter yesterday, and other fan sites have posted it, so I thought I would too. If you want to leave a comment, only say nice things about David, no Bieber hate please.

And this was the section about David:
David worked hard all throughout his life to get where he is, doing numerous singing competitions while battling his strong hatred for his voice. But that didn’t stop him. David is the perfect example of working hard and achieving your dreams. Not to mention the numerous charities he’s involved with, plus his unshakable faith and strong positivity, which he tries to share with people so that they too can achieve their goals in life and be happy. David’s influential music and motivational quotes make him an inspiration to many people, which is why David has such a devoted fan base.

P.S. I saw someone tweeted it to Melinda. Please don't tweet it to Melinda or David or anyone close to him. I don't really want any of them seeing it, thanks!

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